[American Ornithologist's Union] A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds. Fifth Edition, third printing 1975. Hardcover. 691pp. + 32nd supplement with corrections. Very Good, no dust jacket. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  $25 + $4 media mail ship/ins to USA. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Holograph Letter
William Brewster.

[Brewster] A Bibliography of the Published Writings of William Brewster: Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, No. 10. by Charles Foster Batchelder. Cambridge, Mass., the Club, 1951. Includes a holograph letter from William Brewster about bird photography, dated 1899, signed by William Brewster.

$110 plus $3.50 media mail postage (international orders extra), or $7 by priority mail.
Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase, bottom shelf, left side].
To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com
For sale: William Brewster book with holograph letter
              signed by ornithologist William Brewster.
For sale: William Brewster book with holograph letter
              signed by ornithologist William Brewster.
For sale: William Brewster book with holograph letter
              signed by ornithologist William Brewster.

Brunel, Jules. Le Phytoplancton de la Baie des Chaleurs. 1970, second edition. Université de Montréal. Softbound. 365pp., in French. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] Inventory #1225. Very Good, clear plastic dust jacket missing large piece. Owner's name inside. $38 + $4 media mail ship/ins to USA. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Bulletin du Service de la Carte Phytogeographique. Serie b: Carte des Groupements Vegetaux. 1960. Tome V, fascicule 1 & 2. 86 and 264 pp. Two softcover volumes, very good condition. Former owner's name on front covers. $50 plus $3.50 media mail postage (international orders extra). Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  Inventory #1345 . To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Dawson, E. Yale. How to Know the Seaweeds. 1956. spiral-bound. Wm. C. Brown. Good. Name on cover. 197pp. Some writing inside, in pencil. $5 plus $2.00 media mail postage (international orders extra). Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  Inventory #1219 . To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Feagans, R. A.  Laws, Decisions, and Opinions Applicable to the National Forests. (1915)1916. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of the General Counsel. 151 pages. In 3/4 leather (worn and deteriorating but covers still attached). 1/2 inch hole through leather near top of spine. Marbled end papers and edges. Library of Congress stamp on copyright page. $50 plus $4.00 media mail postage (international orders extra). Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com
Harvey, William Henry. Manual of the British Marine Algae; Containing Generic and Specific Descriptions of all the Known British Species of Sea-weeds with Plates to Illustrate all the Genera. London, John Van Voorst, 1849. Second edition.  252pp. 27 colored plates. Condition: Good. Spotting to boards and some spots to spine. Very little foxing which is better than usually found. Owner's name inside. Front inner hinge cracked. $175  plus $6.00 media mail postage, packing, & insurance (international orders extra). For faster shipping, inquire. Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  Inventory #1220 . To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Hoffman, Roger A., Paul F. Robinson, and Hulda Magalhaes. The Golden Hamster; its Biology and use in Medical Research, with a Master Bibliography by Hulda Magalhaes, and including A Stereotaxic Atlas of the Brain of the Golden Hamster, by Karl M. Knigge and Shirley A. Joseph.  1968.  Iowa Iowa State University Press. First Edition. Oblong hardcover. No dust jacket (as issued?). Quarter-sized stain to last blank page. 2 inches of magic marker to top edge, otherwise good. $95 plus $7.00 media mail postage & ins. (international orders extra). Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  Inventory #1342 . To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Hollenberg, George J. & Isabella A. Abbott. Supplement To Smith's Marine Algae Of The Monterey Peninsula 1966. Stanford University Press. Hardcover. No dustjacket. Very Good. Owner's name on first blank page.  [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] Inventory #1223  $15 + $3 media mail ship/ins to USA. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Johnson, J.R. and J.T. Nichols.  Plants of South Dakota Grasslands, A Photographic Study. 1970. South Dakota State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 566. South Dakota State University, Brookings. 163 pp. Owner's name on front. Light edgewear and light cover creases. Good. Oblong softcover. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] $18.95 + $5 media mail ship/ins to USA. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Jordan, David Star, Barton Warren Evermann, and Howard Walton Clark. Check List of the Fishes and Fishlike Vertebrates of North and Middle America North of the Northern Boundary of Venezuela and Colombia. 670 pages. Contained in "Report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries for the fiscal year .... Bureau of Fisheries. 1928 (part 2). Overall G-VG. Paper label on spine. $25. plus $3.00 media mail postage, packing, & insurance (international orders extra). For faster shipping, inquire. Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] INV#9999. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com
Kylin, Harald. The marine red algae in the vicinity of the biological station at Friday Harbor, Wash. Lund, C. W. K. Gleerup; [1925] 87 p. Softcover. Lunds universitets årrskrift. n. f., avd. 2, bd. 21, nr. 9. Kungl. fysiografiska sällskapets handlingar. n. f., bd. 36, nr. 9. Bibliography p. [85]-87. Spine worn & chipped. Edgewear, generally good. Owner's name at top of cover.$25 plus $4.00 media mail postage, packing, & insurance (international orders extra). For faster shipping, inquire. Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  Inventory # 1228. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Leedale, Gordon F. Euglenoid Flagellates. 1967. Prentice Hall. Hardcover. Dust jacket worn and torn. Name inside.  [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] SOLD

[rabies]. 13 papers (offprints) on rabies. Wildlife Rrabies Studies in the Southeast. Sikes, et al, 1960; Expert Committee on Rabies. Fourth Report. WHO. 1960; Rabies & Its Control. Schoening; Virus Content of Brains...in Animals Suspected of having Died of Natural Rabies Infection. Veeraraghavan, et al. 1958; Report of the Committee on Rabie. Tierkel, et al. 1959; WHO Inter-regional Rabies Conference. 1952; Rabies in Canada with especial reference to Wild Life Reservoirs. 1953. Plummer; Etc. All have previous owner's name stamped on the covers. Most in good condition. $10.00 plus $2.00 media mail postage. (international orders extra). For faster shipping, inquire. Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] . To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com  
Schultz, Leonard P. Keys to the Fishes of Washington, Oregon and Closely Adjoining Regions. Fourth printing, March, 1953.  softbound. pages: [105-228] 124 total pages as issued
pub: University of Washington. $12.90   plus $4.00 media mail postage, packing, & insurance (international orders extra). For faster shipping, inquire. Credit cards not accepted. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  Inventory #1212. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Sprunt, Alexander, Jr. Florida Bird Life. 1954. Illustrated by Francis Lee Jacques and John Henry Dick; color and b&w plates. Publisher: Coward-Mccann & National Audubon Society. No dust jacket. Very good. Clean book, no writing inside. Light edgewear.  [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] Inventory #1218  $55 + $5 media mail ship/ins to USA. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

Taylor, William Randolph.  Pacific Marine Algae of the Allan Hancock Expedition to the Galapagos Islands. 1945. University of Southern California Press. Softbound. "Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, Volume 12, complete". 316 pages & 100 b&w plates. Author was "Professor of botany and Curator of Algae in the herbarium, University of Michigan, Member of the Allan Hancock Expeditions of 1934 and 1939". Good; name on cover, "Taylor 1945" written on spine. Front cover detached and neatly glued back. Moderate wear but not abused. A few tiny stains.  [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase] Inventory #1224  $75  SOLD

Whitford, Harry Nichols, and Roland D. Craig. Forests of British Columbia. Ottawa, 1918. Canada. Commission of Conservation. Committee on forests. 409 pages. [keywords: Forests and forestry--British Columbia; History of logging in British Columbia]. Softcover. Lacks covers. Name at top of title page. Part of spine gone. Great maps and photos of forests and logging operations. [shelf locator: Nat Hist Bookcase]  $50 + $4 media mail ship/ins to USA. To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com
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