
Small painting of an Alaska Native girl.
 9.75in x11.5in.
Ellen Henne Goodale.

 A few scratches on frame, paper missing from back of painting.

$250 plus $12.50 postage & packing & insurance (international orders extra) for this book.
To order this original painting email dick@AlaskaWanted.com
Henne Goodale Alaska painting for sale.

For sale: Original pastel painting by Ellen Henne
              Goodale of an identified Native girl.

Ellen Henne Goodale

Wonderful pastel painting, in its original frame, of an identified Native girl.

Written on the back is
"Freda, Alaska Indian Girl, Gulkana Alaska 1945."

I found in the 1940 census a Freda Sinyon born circa 1932.
Freda Sinyon is now Freda Sanford and lives in Chistochina
 and has many friends and relatives.

$695 plus $25.00 postage & packing & insurance for this powerful pastel.
To order this item email dick@AlaskaWanted.com

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