For Sale: Gently Used
Rain Country

on VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska.

Program #218. Contents: (3 segments). The historic district -- Shrien of St. Therese -- Best job in the Forest Service. c1987, series producer Scott Foster ; series director Randy Burton.
VHS videocassette, 30 min. Rain Country TV program on VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska. Shelf locator: AHBWP misc bookcase. Original KTOO video in the original KTOO video sleeve. Used, very good.  SOLD

Program #304. Contents: (3 segments). Juneau survivors -- Buoy tending -- Tender moments. Abstract: Life on the seas is the topic of this program. Meet the remaining five of ten men who survived the sinking of the USS Juneau, a World War II destroyer named for Alaska's capital city. These unsung heroes share long repressed stories of tragedy as they remember lost shipmates. Working on board a buoy tender, Coast Guard crews maintain aids to navigation. See them replacing the Faust Rock buoy. And visit with a family of five, the Vick's from Petersburg, and see what living aboard a fish tender is like. Keywords: Vick family. United States. Navy -- Search and rescue operations. United States Coast Guard. Juneau (Antiaircraft cruiser) World War, 1939-1945 -- Search and rescue operations. Shipwrecks -- South Pacific Ocean. Buoys -- Alaska, Southeast -- Maintenance and repair. Aids to navigation -- Alaska, Southeast -- Maintenance and repair. Fishers -- Alaska -- Petersburg. Fishing -- Alaska -- Petersburg. Alaska, Southeast. Foster, Scott. Burton, Randy. Gray, Skip. Long, Nancy. VHS videocassette, 30 min. Rain Country TV program on VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska. Shelf locator: AHBWP misc bookcase. Original KTOO video in the original KTOO video sleeve. Used, very good.    SOLD
Program #610-611. Contents: (3 segments each). The golden circle: traveling Skagway to Haines (programs 610 and 611). c199, series producer Scott Foster ; series director Randy Burton. VHS videocassette, 60 min. total. Two Rain Country TV programs on one VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska. Shelf locator: AHBWP misc bookcase. Original KTOO video in the original KTOO video sleeve. Used, very good.  $39.95 plus $3.50 postage by first class mail (or $5.80 extra for priority mail small flat-rate box) (international orders extra) for this video. To order this item email  

Program #612. Contents: (3 segments). Fjord cruising -- Kayak rangers -- Day in Glacier Bay. Abstract: Forest Service rangers in Misty Fiords patrol by kayak. A Juneau family takes visitors on their sailboat into Tracy Arm. Spend a sunny day in Glacier Bay on board a cruise ship. Keywords: Southeast Alaska. Series producer/director Randy Burton; segment producers Skip Gray, Scott Foster. c1991. VHS videocassette, 30 min. Rain Country TV program on VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska. Shelf locator: AHBWP misc bookcase. Original KTOO video in the original KTOO video sleeve. Used, very good.  $25 plus $3.50 postage by first class mail (or $5.80 extra for priority mail small flat-rate box) (international orders extra) for this video. To order this item email
Program #811. Contents: (3 segments). Douglas remembered -- Eternal memory -- Seeing Ketchikan. Abstract: The history of Douglas is told through pictures and reminiscences. Admiralty Island was once one of many places in Southeast that held an internment camp for Aleut natives during World War II. Now members of St. Nicholas Church, Juneau, return to clean the graves and remember those who lived, and died, there. Tourists take a harbor tour of the Ketchikan waterfront from Creek Street to Ward Cove aboard the MV Misty Fjord. Keywords: World War, 1939-1945 -- Evacuation of civilians -- Alaska. Aleuts -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945. Geographic Term: Alaska, Southeast. Douglas (Juneau, Alaska) -- History. Ketchikan Region (Alaska) -- Tours. Series producer Scott Foster; (segment one) producer, Nancy K. Long; (segment two) producer, Claire Richardson; (segment three) producer, Randy Burton; series director Randy Burton. c1993. Physical Description: 1 videocassette (VHS) (30 min.): sd., col. ; 1/2 in. VHS videocassette, 30 min. Rain Country TV program on VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska. Shelf locator: AHBWP misc bookcase. Original KTOO video in the original KTOO video sleeve. Used, very good.  SOLD

Program #813. Contents: (3 segments). Anan bears -- Hooligan hunting -- Whale watching. Abstract: Black bear watching on Anan Creek. Fishing for hooligan on the Stikine River. Humpback whale watching in Icy Straight. Keywords: Black bear -- Alaska -- Anan Creek. Smelt fisheries -- Stikine River (B.C. and Alaska). Humpback whale -- Alaska -- Icy Straight. c1992, series producer Scott Foster ; series director Randy Burton. VHS videocassette, 30 min. Rain Country TV program on VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska. Shelf locator: AHBWP misc bookcase. Original KTOO video in the original KTOO video sleeve. Used, very good.  $25 plus $3.50 postage by first class mail (or $5.80 extra for priority mail small flat-rate box) (international orders extra) for this video.    SOLD
Program #906. Contents: (2 segments). Contents: Fishing family -- WWII remains. Abstract: In this program we meet a Juneau family (the Campbell family) who spend their summers setnetting in Dry Bay. Then we travel to Sitka and visit bunkers and other World War II military installations. Keywords: Salmon fisheries -- Alaska -- Glacier Bay. Set net fisheries -- Alaska -- Glacier Bay. Fishers -- Alaska -- Glacier Bay. Fishers -- Alaska -- Glacier Bay -- Biography. Fishing -- Alaska -- Glacier Bay. World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Alaska, Southeast. Bunkers (Fortification) -- Alaska, Southeast. Bunkers (Fortification) -- Alaska, Southeast -- History. Historic sites -- Alaska, Southeast. Historic sites -- Alaska -- Sitka. Dry Bay (Yakutat, Alaska) Alaska, Southeast. c1994, series producer Scott Foster ; series director Randy Burton. VHS videocassette, 30 min. Rain Country TV program on VHS video tape, by KTOO, Juneau, Alaska. Shelf locator: AHBWP misc bookcase. Original KTOO video in the original KTOO video sleeve. Used, very good.    SOLD

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