This is the list of books that we will consider purchasing. Let us know what you have to sell.

Many early Klondike titles are also wanted
Abbott- The World is as Sharp as A Knife...Wilson Duff
Abercrombie- US Copper River Exploring Expedition
Ackerman- Tlingit Stories;  Archaeology Glacier Bay Region
Adney- Klondike Stampede of 1897-98
Alaska Boundary Tribunal- 3 atlas volumes 1903, 1904, etc
Alaska Commercial Company- by or about
Alaska ephemera- want old alaska paper, ads, brochures, etc
Alaska Geographic- need North Slope: Its Physiography, Fauna and its Flora, Vol. 1: No. 1, and Yakutat, the Turbulent Crescent, Vol. 2: No. 4.
Alaska Sportsman need all pre-1940, will consider all pre-1970
Alaska/Yukon Magazine- any;
Alaska Railroads- books, photos, brochures, souvenirs, etc.
Alaska Travel Brochures (pre1940 steamship, airline, railroad, etc)
Aldrich- Arctic Alaska and Siberia.       
Allan- Gold, Men and Dogs
Allen- Report of Expedition to Copper, Tanana & Koyukuk Rivers
Allen- History of North American Pinnipeds
Amundsen- Our Polar Flight;  First Crossing of the Polar Sea
--South Pole;   My Life as an Explorer;   Northwest Passage
Anderson- Alaska Natives
Annabel- Hunting & Fishing in Alaska;  Tales of a Big-Game Guide
anthropology- will consider any early pertaining to Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia
Arctander- Apostle of Alaska...Duncan;     Lady in Blue  
Arctic Bibliography- volumes 1-3
Armstrong-  Yukon Yesterdays;  After Big-Game in Upper Yukon
Arnold- Alaska Native Land Claims
Art Work of Seattle & Alaska. 1907 (or Wash, Ore), 9 vol. or odd volumes
Attla- Iditarod, Most Demanding Race;  Everything I Know about Racing....
Atwood- Alaska-Yukon Gold Book. 
Auer- Camp Fires in the Yukon
Badlam- Wonders of Alaska (must have fold-out map present)
Bailey- Birds of Arctic Alaska;  Birds of Alaska;  Cape Prince Wales
Bailey- Report upon Alaska and its People
Baillie-Grohman-  15 Years Sport & Life in Hunting...British Columbia
Bancroft- History of Alaska.         
Bank- Birthplace of the Winds
Barbeau- Alaska Beckons;  Tsimshian Narratives, vol 1&2
--Totem Poles;  Pathfinders N. Pacific;  Haida Carvers in Argillite;
--Haida Myths...Argillite Carvings;  Indian Days in Canadian Rockies;
--Tsimsyan  Myths Illustrated;  Totem Poles of Gitskan...B.C.
--Medicine Men of the North Pacific Coast;  Tsimpshian:Arts, Music
Barnett- Coast Salish of British Columbia;  Native...Potlatch
Baxter- On and off Alaskan Trails
Beach- In the Shadow of Mount McKinley
Beaglehole- The Journals of Captain James Cook. vol 1-3, & atlas
Beardslee- Reports of Captain L. A. Beardslee, U.S. Navy, relative to Affairs in Alaska, and the Operations of the U.S.S. Jamestown....
Beebe- True Life Story of Swiftwater Bill Gates    
Bell, Margaret E.- Any(Juvenile).  
Bell- Quiddities of an Alaska Trip
Berkeley- The English Sportsman in the Western Prairies
Birket-Smith-  Eyak Indians of Copper River;  Chugach Eskimo
Blomfield- Rod, Gun and Palette in the High Rockies
Bodfish- Chasing the Bowhead
Bovet- Moose Hunting in Alaska, Wyoming and the Yukon
Bradley- Hunting Big Game in Far Northwest British Columbia
Brandt- Alaska Bird Trails
Briggs- Letters from Alaska.       
Brodzky- Stones, Bones and Skin
Broke- With Sack and Stock in Alaska
Browne- Conquest of Mount McKinley
Bruce- Alaska: Its History and Resources
Bundy- Valdez Fairbanks Trail
Burnham- Rim of Mystery: A Hunter's Wanderings in Unknown Siberian Asia
Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918-  anything
Cane- Summer and Fall in Western Alaska
Cantwell- The Klondike: A Souvenir
Cardier- Some Big Game Hunts. 1919
Carlson- An Alaskan Gold Mine: The Story of No. 9 Above.
Carmack- My Experiences in the Yukon
Carpenter- Game Trails from Alaska to Africa
Carr- Klee Wyck; Growing Pains: Autobiography; Heart of a Peacock
Carroll- First Ten Years in Alaska
Carter-  This is Haida;  The Laws of Alaska;  From Histories Locker
Castner- Luit. Castner's Alaskan Exploration
Cavana- Alaska Basketry
Chandler- Pioneer of Alaska;   Alaskan Hunter
Chase- Alaska's Mammoth Bears;   Reminiscences of Captain Billie Moore
Chittenden- Travels British Columbia & Alaska; American Fur Trade
Choris- any lithographs from his 1820's books "Voyage Pittoresque..."
Christoe- Treadwell: An Alaska Fulfillment.
Churchill- Tarpon Fishing in Mexico and Florida. w/16 stereoviews
Clark- Roadhouse Tales;  Track of the Kodiak
Clum- A Trip to the Klondike (Keystone)
Coffey- Wilds of Alaska Big Game Hunting.
Collins- The Aleutian Islands...;  Prehistoric Art of Alaskan Eskimo
--Archaeology of St. Lawrence Island;  Voyage Down the Amoor
Collis- Woman's Trip to Alaska; 
Collison- In the Wake of the War Canoe
Compilation of Narratives of Explorations in Alaska, 1869-1900
Cook- To the Top of the Continent;  Voyage to the Pacific Ocean....
Cook- Pursuing the Whale
Coolidge- Klondike and the Yukon Country
Copper River Joe- Golden Cross on Trails from Valdez Glacier (first edition only)
Cordier- Some Big Game Hunts;   Wyoming Big Game Hunt
Corry- Descriptive & Scenic Souvenir, White Pass & Yukon...
Cudahy- Mananaland: Adventuring with Camera and Rifle Through California in Mexico
Curtin- Yukon Voyage: Unofficial Log of the Steamer Yukoner
Curtis- In the Land of Head Hunters;  any photos of Alaska Natives
--The North American Indian. need original volumes # 10, 11, 20.
Daguerreotypes: will consider any
Dall- Alaska and its Resources;  Tribes of the Extreme Northwest;  Yukon Territory
--Scientific Results of the Exploration of Alaska;  any Alaska papers
Dall & Bannister- List of the birds of Alaska, with biographical notes. 1869.
Darling- Baldy of Nome; Boris; Luck of the Trail; Up in Alaska;  etc.
Darrah- Stereoviews. 1964. Hardcover.
Darveau- Randonnee au Pays...(totems)
Davidson- Alaska Boundary;  Coast Pilot of Alaska; Glaciers
Davis- Tongues & Totems; Metlakahtla
Dawson- Report on an Exploration of the Yukon District
--Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands & Haida Indians of Queen Charlotte Island
Deans- Tales of the Totems of the Hidery
DeBaets- Apostle of Alaska
deFilippi- The Ascent of Mount Saint Elias
DeLaguna, Fredricka- Under Mount Saint Elias.
--Archaeology of Cook Inlet (1934);  Chugach Prehistory;  etc.
Demidoff- After Wild Sheep in the Altai & Mongolia;  Hunting Trips in the Caucasus
Dickinson- The Alaska Central Railway
Dietz- Mad Rush for Gold in the Frozen North
Dixby- The Mammoth and Mammoth Hunting in Northeast Siberia
Downs- Paddlewheels on the Frontier. 
Drew- Argillite: Art of the Haida
Duff- Arts of the Raven
Duncan- N. Athapaskan Art;  Gospel in the Far West;  Metlakahtla....
Dunmore- The Pamirs: Being A Narrative of a Year's Expedition on Horseback and on Foot through Kashmir...
Dunn- Shameless Diary of an Explorer
Durham- Canoes and Kayaks of Western America (first edition hardcover only)
Durlach- Relationship System of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian
Dynes- Dynes Tours of Alaska and Southeast Alaska Directory
Eddy- Hunting the Alaska Brown Bear;   Hunting on the Kenai Peninsula
Elliot- The New and Heretofore Unfigured Species of Birds of North America. 1869 (need individual plates also)
Elliott- Our Arctic Province;  Report on the Prybilov Group, or Seal Islands of Alaska
Emmons- Basketry of the Tlingit;     Whale House of the Chilkat;
--Chilkat Blanket;  Jade in British Columbia and Alaska;  Tahltan Indians;  Tlingit Indians; etc
Endicott- Adventures in Alaska and Along the Trail.      
Erskine- Katmai
Etherton- Across the Roof of World: A Record of Sport and Travel through Kashmir, Gilgit, Hunza, the Pamirs...
Evermann- Fishes of Alaska;  Alaska Fisheries & Fur Industries
Exhibition Catalogs- any on Northwest Coast Art, or Alaska/Yukon
Farrar- Annexation of Russian America;  Purchase of Alaska
Fedorova- Russian Population in Alaska and California
Fay- Ecology and biology of the Pacific Walrus
Fifth Thule Expedition- any.        
Finton- Alaskan Bear Adventures
Fleischman- After Big Game in Arctic & Tropic.
Ford- Eskimo Prehistory in the Vicinity of Point Barrow, Alaska
Foster- Bush Pilots. 
French- Nome Nuggets;  Seward's Land of Gold
Fur Seal and Other Fisheries of Alaska.  Washington, 1889
Gabrielson- Birds of Alaska;  Some Alaska Notes;  any Ak papers
Gapp- Kolerat Pitsiulret
Garber- Stories and Legends of the Bering Strait Eskimos
Garfield- Historical Aspects of Tlingit Clans in Angoon, Alaska
--Totem Poles...; Tsimshian...;  The Wolf and The Raven 1st;   etc.
Garst- Scotty Allan, King of the Dog-team Drivers
Geist- Archaeological Excavations at Kukulik, St. Lawrence Island
Gilbert- Alaska Poker Stories;   Arctic Pilot
Glanz- Jews in American Alaska
Glenn- Reports of Exploration in the Territory of Alaska   
Glines- Polar Aviation
Goetze- Souvenir of Northwestern Alaska (view book)
Golder-  Bering's Voyages;   Russian Expansion on the Pacific
--Guide to Materials for American History in Russian Archives
Gordon- In the Alaskan Wilderness;    Notes on the Western Eskimo;    Nootka
Gorst- Gorst: Grandad of United Airlines
Goulet- Rugged Years on the Alaskan Frontier
Governor of Alaska, Report of the Governor of Alaska-  any issues before 1936
Graves- On the White Pass Payroll
Grinnell- American Big Game;    Hunting at High Altitudes
Gubser- Nunamiut Eskimos.  
Gunn- Empire Big Game. 1925
Gustafson- Salish Weaving.
Hall- Northwest Coast Indian Graphics. 
Halliday- Potlach & Totem.
Hallowell- Bear Ceremonialism.
Hammond-Reminiscences of Frontier Life (either the 1890 or 1904 editions).
Harriman Alaska Expedition- any volumes;      B.C. in A.D. 1938
Harrison- Ancient Warriors of the North Pacific;  The Hydah Mission: Queen Charlotte's Islands.
Harrison- Nome and the Seward Peninsula;  Alaska Almanac;   Industrial Progress in Alaska.
Haskell- Two Years in the Klondike and Alaskan Gold Fields
Healy- Report of the Cruise of the Revenue Cutter Corwin
Hegg- Souvenir of Alaska;  Souvenir of Nome;  Skaguay; (view books)
Heid- Local Mining Laws of the Harris Mining District, Alaska
Heilprin- Alaska & Klondike. 
Heizer- Archaeology of the Uyak Site
Hensel, L- his stereoviews of Pike County, Pa & Port Jervis, NY
Herbert- Two Dianas in Alaska.     
Herron- Explorations in Alaska
Hine- A Trip to Alaska: Being a Report of a Lecture given, with Stereopticon Illustrations
Hitchcock- Two Women in the Klondike
Hodge- Amphibians and Reptiles in Alaska
Holm- Box of Daylight.
--Form & Freedom: Dialogue on Northwest Coast Indian Art
--Indian Art of Northwest Coast: Dialogue on Craftsmanship....
Holman- Sheep and Bear Trails;  
Hooper- Cruise of the Corwin.
Hooper- Ten Months Among Tents of the Tuski (1853 edition).
Hrdlicka- Anthropology of Kodiak Island; Aleutian and Commander Islands
Hubback- To Far Western Alaska for Big Game (map present?)
Hulten- Flora Aleutian Islands...;   Flora Alaska & Yukon (in 10 parts)
Inverarity- Movable Masks and Figures of the North Pacific Coast Indians
Ironmonger- Klondyke: Truth and Facts of the New Eldorado
James- First Scientific Exploration of Russian America
Jarvis- Report of the Cruise of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Bear and the Overland Expedition....
Jochelson, Waldemar-  anything on indians, eskimos, archaeology
Johnston- Alaska Commercial Company
Jones- A Study of the Thlingits of Alaska
Jones- Man & the Mountain: Sydney Laurence.
Jones- Argonauts of Siberia: the diary of a prospector.
Journals of Captain James Cook (Hakluyt Society) vol 1-3  & atlas
Kane- The US Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. (1853 on title page)
Karr- Shores & Alps of Alaska.  
Kellogg- Happy Hunting Grounds. (1955 edition only).
Kent- Wilderness (first)
--Rockwell Kent: An Anthology of his Works. 1982
King- Artificial curiosities from the northwest coast of America
Kitchener- Flag Over the North.     
Klondike- most any early books, or original maps, photos, diaries, souvenirs, brochures
Knapp- Thlinkets Southeastern Alaska.        
Koestler- Sourdough Flights
Kosmos- Alaska Sourdough Stories (Ziegler illust)
Ladue- Klondyke Nuggets;  Klondyke Facts. 
Lantis, Margaret- Social Culture Nunivak Eskimo
LaRoche- En Route to the Klondike (view book)
Larsen- Ipiutak and the Arctic Whale Hunting Culture
Lauridsen- Vitus Bering: The Discoverer of Bering Strait (1889 edition only)
Ledyard- John Ledyard's Journal of Captain Cook's Last Voyage
Limestone Press (Pierce, ed)- any "Materials for the Study of Alaska History" titles
Lindsley- Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska
Machetanz- (juveniles) On Arctic Ice;    Rick of High Ridge;   Seegoo;
--Panuck;  Puppy Named Gih;  Barney Hits Trail;   Howl of Malemute
--Robie...;     Where Else  but Alaska
MacLennan- Songs of Neukluk. 1913 (first edition only)
Mallinson- My Travels & Adventures in Alaska
Margeson- Experiences of Gold Hunters in Alaska
Marshall- People's Forest; Doonerak or Bust; North Doonerak, Amawk & Apoon
Martindale- Hunting in the Upper Yukon;    
Marvin- Yukon Overland
Mathiassen- Archaeological Collections from the Western Eskimo
McCarley- Treadwell, Alaska.      
McElwaine- Truth About Alaska (1901 edition only) 
McGuire- In the Alaska-Yukon Gamelands
McKennan- Upper Tanana Indians;   Chandalar Kutchin
McQuesten- Recollections of Leroy N. McQuesten of life in the Yukon, 1871-1885
Meyers- Through Wonderland to Alaska
Morice- The History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia: formerly New Caledonia, 1660-1880 (1904 first edition only)
Morden- Across Asia's Snows and Deserts (1927 first edition only)
Morgan-   The Trail of a Cheechako in Alaska (1928 edition only)
Morrow- Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Alaska
Moser- Salmon & Salmon Fisheries of Alaska;  Alaska Salmon Investigations
Muir- Writings of John Muir (10 vol set: manuscript edition)
Murdoch- Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition
Murie- Fauna of the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula
Murie- want his original watercolor paintings (Olaus Murie).
Murray- Journal of the Yukon;     Captain Cook's Artists in the Pacific
Nansen- Through Siberia;  Farthest North;  Hunting...;  etc. First editions only.
National Geographic: any pre-1909 w/Alaska content.
Nelson- Eskimo about Bering Strait
Niblack-  Coast Indians of Southern Alaska and Northern B.C.
Niedieck- Cruises in the Bering Sea;    With Rifle in Five Continents
Nunn- Origin of the Strait of Anian Concept
Ogilvie- Early Days on the Yukon;  Klondike Official Guide;  etc.
Ohio State University football programs & track/field posters: pre-1942                     
Okun- Russian-American Company
Olsen- Social structure and social life of the Tlingit in Alaska
Orth- Dictionary of Alaska Place Names
Osgood, Cornelius-  any Alaska anthropology (Han; Ingalik, etc.)
Oswalt, Wendell-  any Alaska anthropology    
Paintings, oil: want Sydney Laurence, Eustace Ziegler, "Jules", Ted
  Lambert, Belmore Brown, Crumrine, Etc; any Alaska/Yukon paintings.
Paramore- The Practical Guide to America's New El Dorado
Partridge- Alaska Souvenir Photographs
Pauli- A Record of a Trip through Canada's Wilderness to Lake Chibogamoo and to the Great Lake Mistassini in the Summer of 1906. (1st only)
Phillipps-Wolley-  Sportsman's Eden. 1888;  
Phillips- Totem Tales as Told by the Indians (1896 edition only)
Photographs- any old of Alaska, Yukon, Klondike, Northwest
Pierce- Thirteen Years of Travel and Exploration in Alaska
Pierce- From Potlatch to Pulpit
Piers- Sport and Life in British Columbia
Pike- Through the subarctic forest: a record of a canoe journey from Fort Wrangel to the Pelly Lakes, and down the Yukon River to the Behring Sea. (1896 edition only)
Platinum Bill- Under the Northern Lights. (1916 edition only)
Platts- Grayling Fishing;   
Plempel- The Klondyke Gold Fields: Their Discovery, Development And Future Possibilities  (1897 edition only)
Polk- Alaskan-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory. any years
Polunin- Circumpolar Arctic Flora.  
Poole- Queen Charlotte Islands: a narrative of discovery and adventure in the North Pacific (1872 edition only)
postcards- any old Alaska/Yukon/Klondike/Atlin B.C./ postcards
postcards, souvenir spoons & souvenir china from Pike County Penna towns: Greely, Milford, Twin Lakes, Parker's Glen, Pond Eddy, Shohola, Walker Lake, Woodtown; also Stereoviews, souvenirs from those towns
Prather- Goldfields of the Klondike
Prevost- Book of Songs to Christ. 1894;  any other Jules Prevost
Priestly- Antarctic Adventures (1915 edition only)
Prince- Alaska Railroad in Pictures, 1914-1964
Radclyffe- Big Game Shooting in Alaska
Rainey- Archaeology Central Alaska;  Eskimo Prehistory;  Whale Hunters of Tigara (1947 edition only)
Rasmussen- Across Arctic America;  Alaskan Eskimos;  Iglulik;  etc.
Ray- Report International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow
Raymond- Report of a Reconnaissance on the Yukon River, 1869 (first edition only)
Remington (Copper River Joe)- Golden Cross on Trails from Valdez Glacier (first edition only)
Replogle- Among the Indians of Alaska (first edition only)
Report of the Cruise US Revenue Cutter Bear & the Overland Expedition. 1899
Report of Governor of Alaska- any issues before 1936
Rickard- Through the Yukon & Alaska (first edition only)
Ricker- Seppala, Alaska Dog Driver (first edition only)
Robertson- Yukon Memories.
Romig- Life & Travels of a Pioneer Woman in Alaska;    The Raven of the Eskimo.
Roppel- Southeast Alaska: A Pictorial History;   Salmon Hatcheries
Rosenberg- Big Game Shooting in British Columbia and Norway (L)
Russell- Exploration in the Far North;  any Israel C. Russell on Alaska
Scidmore- Alaska and its Southern Coast and the Sitkan Archipelago;  Appleton's Guide
Scull- Hunting in the Arctic and Alaska
Selous- Recent Hunting Trips in British North America. 1907
Service, Robert W- Songs of the Yukon (miniature book)
Seton-Karr-  Shores & Alps of Alaska;  Bear Hunting in the White Mountains
Sheet Music- any very early Alaska, Klondike themes
Sheldon- Wilderness of Denali;  Wilderness of the Upper Yukon;  Wilderness of the North Pacific Coast Islands (first editions only)
Shepard- The cruise of the U.S. steamer "Rush" in Behring Sea: summer of 1889. (first edition only)
Smith- Alaska # 86;
Smythe- Climbs in the Canadian Rockies
Snow- In Forbidden Seas: Recollections of Sea-Otter Hunting in the Kurils.
Sola, A.E.Ironmonger-  Klondyke: Truth & Facts of the New Eldorado
Sonne- Agayut: Nunivak Eskimo masks and drawings from the 5th Thule Expedition, 1921-24, collected by Knud Rasmussen
Southesk- Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. 1875
souvenir spoons and plates, etc, of Alaska, Klondike, & Yukon wanted
Spencer- Juneau Gold Belt, Alaska. (USGS bulletin # 287)
Stansbury- Klondike: Land of Gold         
Stark- Bering Sea Eagle
Stefansson- Arctic Manual
Stejneger- Contributions to Natural History of Commander Islands
--Results Ornithological Explorations Commander Isl & Kamtschatka
--Georg Wilhelm Steller, Pioneer Alaska...;  Russian Fur Seal Islands
Stereoviews wanted: boxes sets, pre-1890 US, western US etc.
Stereoviews of Alaska/ Klondike/ Yukon; & Pike County, Penna.;
  Port Jervis, NY;  Clinton, Ct;  Grand Rapids, Mi;  Marlborough, Ma,
  warning: color stereos seldom worth more than $3. b&w glossy better.
Stewart- Down the Mackenzie and up the Yukon
Stock- Metlakahtla & the North Pacific Mission
Stone- Hard Rock Gold         
Stoney- Naval Explorations in Alaska
Strahorn- Fifteen thousand miles by stage: a woman's unique experience...from the Missouri to the Pacific and from Alaska to Mexico
Stuck- Ascent of Denali;  Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled
--Voyages on the Yukon and its tributaries
--Winter Circuit of our Arctic Coast;  Alaska Missions of the Episcopal Church
Sumner- Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts: on the cession of Russian America to the United States
Swanton- Tlingit Myths and Texts;  Haida Myths and Texts;   Contribution to the Ethnology of the Haida;   etc.
Swayne- Through the Highlands of Siberia.  (1904 edition only)
Tarr & Martin- Alaskan Glacier Studies.
Taylor- With Scott: The Silver Lining;   Life on a Whaler
technical- want most early scientific/scholarly reports on Alaska, arctic
Teichmann- Journey to Alaska in the Year 1868
Thiry- Eskimo Artifacts Designed for Use
Thomas- Trails and Tramps in Alaska and Newfoundland
Thompson- Gold Seeking on the Dalton Trail
Thoreau- Complete Writings (manuscript edition)
Thorne- In Time That Was.  (1909 edition only)
Thornton- Among the Eskimos of Wales
Tlingit (or Thlinget) Indians- anything about
Tolfrey- Sportsman in Canada.  
Tollemache- Reminiscences of the Yukon
Tourville- Alaska, A Bibliography 1570-1970
Trefzger- My Fifty Years of Hunting, Fishing and Trapping in Alaska
Truman- Occidental Sketches.
Turner- Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska
Turner-Turner- 3 Years Hunting, Fishing...Amer. & Great Northwest
Tuttle- Rept. Cruise US Revenue Cutter Bear;  Alaska;  Golden North
Tyrrell- Across the Subarctics of Canada;  Journal of Samuel Hearne
Tytler-...Discovery of the More Northern Coasts of America. (Family Library) 1836
US Coast & Geodetic Survey- Coast Pilot of Alaska, any early editions
US Coast Survey- annual report of the superintendent for the year:     
   1867, 68, 72 thru 75; 80, 82 thru 85; 87 thru 91, 92 part 1, 93 
   part 1, 94, 95, 96 part 1, 97,1900, 24, 25, (also any pre-1867)
Usher- William Duncan of Metlakatla
Varjola- The Etholen Collection: The Ethnographic Alaskan Collection of Adolf Etholen and his Contemporaries in the National Museum of Finland
Wardman- Trip to Alaska. 
Washburn- Bradford on Mt. Fairweather
Wead- Gales, Ice and Men: Biography of Steam Barkentine Bear
Weimer- Klondyke: M.D.K. Weimer's true story of the Alaska gold fields
Welch- Anderson's Flora Alaska.   
Wellcome- Story of Metlakahtla.       
White Pass & Yukon Railroad: brochures, posters.
Wheeler- The Selkirk Range of British Columbia
White- Gold Hunters of Alaska.      
Whiting- Grit, Grief, and Gold
Whitney- Hunting with the Eskimos;   Musk Ox, Bison, Sheep & Goat
Whymper- Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska
Wickersham- Bibliography of Alaskan Literature.
Wilcox- Camping in the Canadian Rockies. 1896
Williams- Game Trails in B.C.;  Rod & Creel in B.C.
Wilson- The Foresters. 1818;   Watty & Meg. 1792;  Rab & Ringan. 1827
--Oration on the Power & Value of National Liberty. 1801 pamphlet
Wilson-  Copper-Tints, a Book of Cordova Sketches
Wilson- Glimpses of Alaska: a collection of views of the interior of Alaska and the Klondike district. (first edition only)
Wilson- Glimpses of the Yukon Gold Fields (first edition only)
Winter & Pond- (view books): Juneau;  Types of Alaska Natives;
--Totems of Alaska;  any photos, postcards, ephemera, etc.
Woodworking hand tool ephemera wanted: early broadsides, catalogs
W.T.E. (William Temple Emmet)- A record of certain occurrences in British Columbia, during the summer of 1888.
Young- Alaskan Trophies Won and Lost.
Young- Alaska-Yukon Trophies Won and Lost.
Zaccarelli- Zaccarelli's Pictorial Souvenir Book of Golden Northland
Zimmerly- Hooper Bay Kayak Construction;   Qajaq;   Kayaks of Siberia
List is not complete: When in doubt, quote it out!   thanks

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